Season of KDE Blog #3


Week 5 to 7:

Due to semester final exams, I was not that much able to work on the project but still, I caught some time to implement the improvement feedback given by my mentor for the work of past weeks.

Week 6 to 9:

After completing my semester exams I restarted my work on the project and this time I was mainly focused on extending the Python script so it could be used with all the programming language documentation in a generalized way. Along with that, I started working on Qalculate Docs. Along with modifying the docs I also tried to read them and understand a bit about the programming language. The center of attention in Qalculate! is the expression entry. Just enter a mathematical expression as you would write it on paper, and magic!!!

Along with that I also opened my Merge request in the KDE Cantor repo. for initial review. Link to MR.

Week 10 to 12:

These final weeks were the wrap-up weeks in final I finalised my pending works and implemented the suggested improvements. in these weeks I also worked on extending the Python script to convert Qalculate docs into QT Help format files. These files consist were kind of .XML files used to embed the documentation in the KDE Software. Writing a Python script for converting HTML files in QT Help files was a new learning for me and was very fascinating. You can find that Python script file here.

Learning and Final Conclusion

This three month long journey in SoK'24 was full of learning. Collaborating with my mentor during the mentorship program taught me a lot of new things. Earlier I was unaware of the QT Help File technology and many such mathematical programming languages. Working with these techs not only increased my interest in them but also made me curious to explore more about them.

The community support I got pre and during SoK was noteworthy. Looking forward to continue contributing to KDE community and improving its software s : )

Created with ♥️ By Dhairya Majmudar